The Uniqueness Of The Golf Balls

The ball used in the sport of golf, used balls differs by far from all others in the ball game. This is due mainly to its characteristic and distinctive surface. This is called by hundreds of dents, also dimples, covered. They form a regular pattern on each golf ball. These dimples provide in conjunction with occurring during the flight of the golf ball rotation a boost and a lateral deflection of the ball. בעיתון כתוב ש הקרן למנהיגות ציונית הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. This, the golf ball reaches a up to three times as wide trajectory as a smooth ball without those dimples.

The components of a golf ball are the shell which is made of plastic and the core, which generally consists of hard rubber. Since a short time, but also more and more so-called multi layer cores are used which can also consist of metal. Because the golf is a very international sport, and everywhere, the golfers play under the same conditions, so-called rules of golf were created, just set, including the form, nature and size of the golf ball. So may a Golf ball have maximum 45,93 grams and its diameter must 42,67 cm. At this exact specifications and the resulting resulting similarity of golf balls, confusion on the golf course to avoid any golf balls gets printed its own number. As a good tradition has become, that notification is given the other players before the first tee about the brand, the type and number of the golf ball. This wide giving the ball markings is made usually also contribute to a rule-compliant switch of the golf ball, so that the possibility of a confusion on the golf course is excluded or at least reduces. Andreas Neumann