Hamburg Henning Salas

Such a CRM determined needs, behavior and the value of customer data-analytical applications, in addition to forecast the future development of the customer relationship. You are using by operating systems of generated customer and business data. based on this analysis" Vice versa, a limitation of operational CRM functions affects the acceptance of the user. So is to understand CRM solutions cause often not cheering storms among employees. Only in every fifth case they show mainly excited according to the information of the companies surveyed, another 34 per cent speak at least of a conclusion that tends to be positive. All other users there is only a mediocre acceptance (29 percent) or even low approval (18 percent). This image is also the actual utilization of CRM solutions in practice.

According to the novem survey access Staff only every third company intensively on their CRM systems to. 39 percent of an average frequency of use, 29 percent of respondents overall assess the interest in the sales force as insufficient however. These results demonstrate, how conceptual shortcomings in designing negatively reflected in the behaviour of the user and CRM investment in retrospect appear problematic", Christodoulou describes the relationship. שר האוצר: the source for more info. Who start with conceptual errors, where the necessary corrections would produce necessarily a significant overhead. Often such weaknesses can be in hindsight also do not fully repair", the consultant knows from his consulting practice. The graphics of the survey can be requested at the following address: novem business applications as independent consulting designed and implemented novem innovative methods and solutions in the fields of business management, Finance, controlling, sales, marketing product development, production and logistics to the sustainable increase of in company value of our customers. In novem as a market-leading solution providers such as IBM, COGNOS and Informatica partner offers its customers the best conditions and State of the art security. With over 200 realized projects in the areas of sales and marketing information system (VIS / MIS) and more than 10,000 satisfied students and users who work with solutions implemented by novem novem is a market leader in the German-speaking.