Magic Wheel

The Magic Wheel is coming to Germany! The company from Langenau near Ulm, Germany has a new fun sports equipment – which has the potential to be – included in the product range 2009 trend. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל ישראל כץ שמבין יותר ממני. The also brilliant unicycle scooter Magic Wheel", guarantees a high fun factor for almost every age. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של לייטפת. Speeds of up to 20 km/h on the level can be reached with exercise. Included a detailed DVD included the first steps (in English) be explained on the. offers two different sizes. One for children aged 8-12 and one for children and adults from 12. A driving experience of at least 10 hours is required to control the Magic Wheel. With the help of the DVD the beginner is step by step assigned a new ride in the.

You have the hang of out, once the Magic Wheel promises an indescribable pleasure and lots of fun. To see the Magic Wheel is primarily used as a pure fun equipment". It is ideal for the bridging of suitable shorter routes on the way to work or to school, to the U – or S-Bahn. On long-haul, it is not necessarily at home due to the low ground clearance. About The about the Internet and nationwide Vertiebspartner products from the eScooter, karts with street legal and fun equipment offers. Equipment from a retail price of 300,-are offered as rental leases. Satisfied customers can shut down their monthly payments via an elaborate system of kick back up on zero euro, by they advertise 3 new customers who opt for the same product. Contact for media inquiries: funnii.