Exhibition Center Berlin Pop

Musician portal controls music marketing and promotion of the event the musician service platform this year within the framework of the euro pop contest 2009 in Berlin as an exclusive partner in music marketing and promotion with the MTV Berlin and the Liederleis production, the initiators and organizers of the contest, works. "In addition, the platform acquires the worldwide digital distribution of / the winner / in the Berlin Pearl", the highest award of the competition. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל דיסקונט השקעות. "The euro pop contest, formerly known under the name Berlin Pearl", is now already in the 8th round and serves the European and international understanding by children and young people. All participants between 10 and 24 years of age apply through castings and submissions in the form of audio and video material, the best then get the entrance ticket to the national final. This will take place this year on the YOU youth exhibition on October 09, 2009, at the Exhibition Center Berlin, large stage and many viewers to an insight into the artists and artists already popular show business type. DooLoad.de Additionally awards a place on the stage via a community voting. Who so online on the platform the other bands and artists to prevail against can, can prove live, how much really inside him. לעניות דעתי הקרן למנהיגות ציונית יכול לקבוע .

All interested musicians have until Friday, October 02, 2009, the chance to take part. The euro pop contest, traditionally the Berlin Pearl ', is a firmly established, international event. We are happy that this competition with our Know-How and services stand aside can. "so Carolin Uhlig, press contact at Fletchmusicblog. DooLoad.de will attend the pop contest 2009 in the framework of the preliminary decision in Berlin together with the euro on the YOU stand, contact persons and information material.