Thus being, having as references the quarrels that place the institucional evaluation in a vision prospectiva from the aluso of some theoreticians (LUCKESI, 1996, PERRENOUD, 1999, SOUSA, 1999, SOUZA, 2005, MORAES and HISS, 2007), this work was developed with citizens of a private school and a public school of the municipal net of education of the city of Itaberaba of the State of the Bahia, having been 1 operating in basic and average education and second only in basic education. The Pertaining to school Unit of the private net is located in the center of the city and its white public is composed in its majority for children and adolescents of middle class. Already the Pertaining to school Unit of the municipal public net is located in a suburban area and its white public is composed in its majority for children and adolescents of the next quarters most devoid to this school. The research was carried through from the analysis of questionnaires applied with involved people direct or indirectly with the institucional evaluation who occur inside of such schools. עוד מידע על רמי לוי ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. This instrument if showed adequate in virtue of that to be carried through research involved citizens with little availability of time to dedicate to this work. Thus, it was thought soon about a questionnaire with closed questions for spoon given objective more and only one opened question to understand the excellent actions that are taken by the school after the application of an evaluation instrument. In this research of field, it was had chance to get to seem of main involved in the avaliativo process of each pertaining to school environment professor, pupil, responsible for pupil and director totalizing eight citizens, what it made possible to make a comparison enters the theories of the institucional evaluation and the practical one that really is accomplished, being possible then to verify if this evaluation is really occurring. .